This is a selection from my book The Other Road Ahead
My Comment
It was not long ago during the Plague Years when the concept of entropy really struck a cord with me. For my wife and I and most of the other artists we knew everything was going downhill, the life we knew for decades was winding down.⬇ No art festivals to work, no events, no income, no one buying, no money💸. Bank accounts were evaporating, credit was in jeopardy, payments continued, the news was grim.☠
Our beloved media was an echo chamber of gleeful negativity and fear mongering. The government sources piled on with conflicting narratives while global players like W.H.O. (World Health Organization) seemed more like a planetary political party than a beneficent health system. The opportunists were making money on the suffering of the vulnerable blaming every death on the COVID plague to inflate the figures.
Institutions and individuals were in free fall. Our world was being ripped to shreds as we watched helplessly everything we knew unravel. It was the forces of entropy playing out like leaves 🍂falling from a dying bush harsh winds scattering the pieces into haphazard piles lodging from time to time like a sordid snowdrift.
Eventually we would loose our house, property, studio, and moorings. We would be set adrift to gather up a life from pieces we had dotted the landscape with from decades of a nomadic🐪 life. Rooting finally in what was the most familiar environment we could find.
Like millions of other people we were the army of displaced persons that the politicians, media, pundits, or academics wanted not to talk about because it disrupted everyone's narrative in some way. This Pew research tells some of the early story but the situation is worse as other event have added to the forces of entropy that stalk the globe.
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