Below is a reading from my book THE OTHER ROAD AHEAD followed by a comment inspired by the selection.
Over the years I have heard many times that if we are not content with ourselves then we cannot expect to be able to form satisfactory relations with others. Sounds easy almost too good to be true. Just have a happy space inside and we can transmit enough positive vibrations to uplift everyone we come into contact with.
Great. But easier said than done.
I’m thinking the key to this reading is “…the fact that we share our space with others…”. If we are alone all we need to do is work on ourselves using various self-help, meditation, or spiritual techniques that are proven to create contentment.
Good idea however will that be enough to satisfy conflicts with other people who share the same space with us. Of course, it can’t hurt yet we also must look at our expectations for each situation.
Reconciling with a loved one who we have somehow slighted is significantly different from trying to have a productive relationship with a bully and so on. The variety of situations that can arise are too numerous to discuss.
However when we factor in our expectations then we might be able to make some progress at least on our side of the street. So it is possible that examining our outlook toward settling any given situation may be the secret to a resolution.
If we are at peace with the goals we have set in a relationship then we can at least have a grounding for any actions we might take. Trying to act without knowing to what end we are attempting to achieve is a recipe for frustration.
Understanding that we “…share our space…” is not only a personal insight but in the larger picture a political understanding. Whether with individuals or business and national interests each time a decision must be made that involves “sharing” then negotiations and compromise must occur for the plan to be agreeable.
This becomes a matter of relative power and the mastery of manipulation displayed by the various parties involved. Blatant military power combined with skills at marketing can plunge whole populations into a frenzy of warmongering resulting in suffering.
In a small scale this is also done in family politics. Sharing power is a part of harmonious relations and so is our attitude towards expectations. Adjusting these factor to our situation can bring about peace in any group so long as we examine our intentions.
If we are a human family then it seems stupid to hurt others in the family in order for a few to feel good about themselves. Yet that is sometimes the case. Without many options perhaps the multi-layered problems of our world snare us into timeless struggles. Yet to ground ourselves in practices that promote peace and serenity giving our lives over to a universal harmony within while resisting the demons of war can bear fruit in our personal lives while promoting conscious understanding outside.
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