Below is a reading from my book THE OTHER ROAD AHEAD followed by a comment inspired by the selection.👇
I have failed many times and I will fail again. There are levels to failure as there are levels of accomplishment. The size of our ambition will often determine the amount of loss. This is a normal process in our travel through life.
An important factor is what sort of goal do we set for ourselves and how well do we know what we are doing. Committing to a certain course of action even if we believe with all our heart that it is correct then events turn and the path we set out on is choked with briars 🌵 and poison ivy vines. The road continues as we peer through the thicket but we just cannot go forward without harm to ourselves.
We might see an alternative pathway that leads in the same direction yet after a few steps away it too is blocked with fallen timber and a scary tangle of brush infested with biting insects and snakes 🐍. However through the snarl of vegetation we can still see the light of our original goal twinkling between the shadows.
Often we must engage in a research project at some point. It is best if that happens before we set out on our journey but this is not always the case and we are forced to learn as we go. Perhaps this is good if we are not known for our ability to plan ahead we will soon learn. This is a very good lesson if we internalize it.
The old expression for persisting is “fits and starts” meaning that even though we embark on a project many times it is launched with great enthusiasm and resolve but soon the original emotional “fuel” runs out and we must restart but at a different place so we have moved a little. Then after some consideration we make another attempt until the inertia is overcome and we are rolling along. This is a good situation.
It is not so much that we are incompetent or indecisive in our striving but it is true that we are just people who usually are not blessed with the gift of foresight so we cannot see the future. Therefore, it is inevitable that we make mistakes and suffer various failures, some small and others large. Nevertheless, as long as our vision is strong and our motives are clear our objectives will manifest themselves.
Read the previous selection WALLS Here👇