The Prime Minister of Slovakia Robert Fico penned an op-ed about the relationship of Slovakia with Ukraine and Russia and it was enough to nearly get him assassinated.
Almost a year ago in the Straight Shots section (II,III,V) I began discussing anti-war candidates and various peace initiatives. Little did I know that the advocates for stopping war would become targets for the billionaire globalists warmongers who cannot tolerate any opinion that conflicts with their own.
The forces of darkness continue to dominate world events. The United States is now involved in what amounts to a two front war in Europe and the Middle East. Social upheaval stains every continent. Now the black hand of the cowardly assassin has entered the picture adding a new layer of chaos to international affairs as outlined by the Cognitive Warfare paradigm.
Deep in the Tatras Mountains of central Europe Slovakia is a little known alpine country bordering Chechia, Poland, Hungary, and Romania. More known for hiking and skiing than political intrigue yet their location made them a destination for Twentieth Century wars. Occupied by first the Nazis then the Soviet Union the Slovak people have endured.
The current Prime Minister Robert Fico (Fit-szo) is no stranger to conquest and foreign occupation. A career long leader he helped oust Soviet Russian Communism from his country in the 1989 “Velvet Revolution” and later established the SMER political party that banned any former Russian official from joining; hardly an agent of the Russian State. He campaigned against corruption and the invasive policies of the European Union, NATO, and sketchy oligarchs (George Soros, etc.) trying to keep his country free from outside dominance.
On May 15 of this year an assassin hid in a crowd of well-wishers after an address from PM Fico. A craven little robotic demon pulled a gun and shot the Prime Minister of Slovakia then tried to escape. He was run down and captured by security guards.
According to numerous sources the gunman’s name is Juraj Cintula a writer and founder of the Rainbow Book Club who supported the neo-liberal pro-EU and pro-immigration Progressive Slovakia Party and was vocally against the policies of the current government lead by Fico’s SMER party. From his own statement, Juraj said the motive for his actions was that he “disagreed with the policies of PM Fico”. Common sense tells us that a simple political “disagreement” usually does not lead to attempted murder. However there is more to Juraj than just a minor kerfuffle with the Prime Minister’s ideas.
After several hours of trying I was able to download the above video of the shooter attending a pro-war anti-Fico demonstration in March. Mr.Cintula is highlighted and is reported to be shouting “glory to Ukraine” and “stop the government”. Seen here in the rain with a handful of other political actors it is obvious that Jurja is not an innocent bystander. His political party is now scrambling to clean up their image after the shooting.
The actions of Mr. Cintula shows a curious similarity to the so-called “Baseball Shooting” in June of 2017 where James Hodgkinson attempted to murder the entire Republican Congressional leadership at a sporting event in Washington, DC. Like Cintula, Hodgkinson was a follower of “liberal” political causes and “disagreed” with the newly elected administration taking a gun to an event to kill the perceived “enemies” who recently replace the outgoing Obama government.
Both men have vague backgrounds drifting through various left-wing movements becoming saturated with rigid political views. These men were easy targets for the Cognitive Warfare manipulators detailed in an earlier The Road Ahead essay.1
In the case of Hodgkinson the trigger was the election of President Trump just months before which seem to him to be the end of the world. Swirling around in a maelstrom of political ideology he reacted with the worldview he had been surrounded with by masterful social manipulators and did what he believed he had to do.
The trigger device for Mr. Cintula likely was a widely available essay written by Prime Minister Fico earlier in the year. It challenged the entire globalist world of the European Union and NATO and suggested a new view of politics that emphasized peace with Slovakia’s neighbors and an end to the Ukraine war. These were evidently unthinkable propositions to Juraj who had been marinated in the globalist warmongering of previous administrations. So he reacted in the only way he knew from the social programing very much alive in European media: political violence.
The following is the Op-Ed piece PM Fico wrote for a national publication (10JAN24) that infuriated and unhinged the neo-liberal ruling class of Europe.
The West's utterly failed strategy against Russia2
“From the very beginning of the conflict in Ukraine, I rejected a black-and-white vision, as desired in Washington or Brussels. The war in Ukraine has its roots already in 2014 and in the development of the Ukrainian political scene and its relationship with fellow citizens of Russian nationality. And, of course, in the total influence of the USA on everything that happened and is happening in Ukraine after 2014 until now. I may or may not be exaggerating a bit, but let's imagine, for example, that the entire Department of Defense of Mexico, as a neighboring country of the US, was under the complete control of Russia, not to mention the political leaders, including the president...
It is proven that at the very beginning of the war in Ukraine in 2022, the West did not allow the Ukrainians to conclude a ceasefire with fair terms on at least two very promising occasions. Because a painfully wrong decision has already been made. The West will take advantage of Russia's violation of international law, supply Ukraine with piles of weapons, billions of dollars, load Russia with massive sanctions, attack Russia's main mineral income and expect the Ukrainian soldier, down to the last, to bring him the Russian bear's head on a platter in in the form of a militarily exhausted, economically ruined, internationally isolated and internally politically subverted Russia. This was and unfortunately still is the Western strategy...
It is literally shocking to see how the West has repeatedly made mistakes in assessing the situation in Russia. The facts are inexorable. Russia completely controls the occupied territories militarily, and attempts to convince the international community with demagoguery about the demoralization of the Russian soldiers and the huge human losses are increasingly showing themselves as empty demagogic wishful thinking. Ukraine is not capable of any meaningful military counter-offensive, it has become completely dependent on financial aid from the West with unforeseeable consequences for Ukrainians in the years to come. It is only a matter of time when official information about land ownership in Ukraine, about the largest foreign owners, will begin to be published. The position of the Ukrainian president is shaken, while the Russian president increases and strengthens his political support. Neither the Russian economy nor the Russian currency collapsed, anti-Russian sanctions increase the internal self-sufficiency of this huge country, Russian energy giants report record deliveries to China and India. On the other hand, people from around the Ukrainian president, for the prestigious, I repeat prestigious foreign media, say that there is theft in Ukraine as if there was no tomorrow...
I often ask myself what is defeatist about realistic and fact-based considerations about the necessity of a cease-fire in Ukraine, when it is absolutely clear to everyone that the crisis in Ukraine has no military solution. If I wish for something, it is for the Slavs to stop fighting each other for geopolitical reasons, both on the American and Russian sides. Let Ukraine follow its sovereign, not dictated, path. If he sees himself in the EU, let him get this chance, provided he meets the conditions. We will be happy to help. Russia also needs its security guarantees. And I continue to believe that we should return to the recent European rhetoric of how the EU and Russia are somewhat connected vessels and how they need each other. As Prime Minister of the Slovak Republic, I will not spread hostility towards any country in the world, I also wish for the gradual standardization of relations between EU member countries and Russia. And I will no longer be subject to stupid liberal and progressive demagoguery that offends basic human justice and will ultimately cause enormous harm.”
(I have italicized the last sentence because it seems to predict a violent reaction against him coming in the future.)
Because PM Fico was for negotiations and a peaceful settlement with his neighbors he was branded a Russian agent and enemy of Europe. This false allegation repeated by a compliant media and orchestrated by Cognitive Warefare specialists was the triggering mechanism to cause susceptible weak minded individuals to hate Fico enough to kill him.
Modern black magic…controlling people to do the bidding of evil witches in the background. Right before our eyes.