Well first, hexagram 49 is certainly timely. Forthrightness and prudence rule the day.
Second, the first paragraph of this rending clearly reflects the angst of The Fires. Come what may, what angles/demons have we resurrected. It was another nuanced writing saying so much, deserving and receiving several readings.
Paraphrasing DeKorne I am inspired that the commentary was so accurate in my case..."the ego's life in spacetime consists of seemingly fruitless labor in the service of a transcendental ideal..." I suppose that if we are not questioning our actions we are falling for the first handout fortune tosses our way. That would be silly but effective in the short term. Proof of transition should not be necessary but it seems to be the way of the spacetime world. When I change sand into a glass like substance, it is not the end product that is relevant but the background actuality that caused it....this may be entelechy at work.
But the thing is, I'm not so sure about free will. Having tipped our toe into the pool of awareness we really have no choice. There is no turning back. Of course there are always parochial addictions for those that fear insanity.
There is no turning back. Notice that the bureaucrats at the EU are trying to roll back the tide of free speech enabled by the internet. It is a pathetic sight. Enforcing a parochial solution through the courts and police to stop people from having opinions.
Classic American liberalism says the remedy for disagreeable speech is more speech. But then again the old liberalism is dead only to be resurrected by the populists in a clumsy way.
But free will is a larger issue than just speech which gets to thought and ultimately behavior and subsequently enforcement. We are forced to lay free will at the doorstep of policy and law and this is where the battle is engaged as I write this.
No you are quite correct as far as this piece goes. For good or ill much of my writing is an attempt to popularize concepts and in so doing sometimes depth gets lost. For example, Simplifying Zosimos will hopefully pique interest in someone looking into him and his legacy. I’m not the beginning and end of alchemy yet perhaps I can displace some of the tripe currently circulating about the subject.
Well first, hexagram 49 is certainly timely. Forthrightness and prudence rule the day.
Second, the first paragraph of this rending clearly reflects the angst of The Fires. Come what may, what angles/demons have we resurrected. It was another nuanced writing saying so much, deserving and receiving several readings.
Paraphrasing DeKorne I am inspired that the commentary was so accurate in my case..."the ego's life in spacetime consists of seemingly fruitless labor in the service of a transcendental ideal..." I suppose that if we are not questioning our actions we are falling for the first handout fortune tosses our way. That would be silly but effective in the short term. Proof of transition should not be necessary but it seems to be the way of the spacetime world. When I change sand into a glass like substance, it is not the end product that is relevant but the background actuality that caused it....this may be entelechy at work.
But the thing is, I'm not so sure about free will. Having tipped our toe into the pool of awareness we really have no choice. There is no turning back. Of course there are always parochial addictions for those that fear insanity.
"I'm not so sure about free will..."
There is no turning back. Notice that the bureaucrats at the EU are trying to roll back the tide of free speech enabled by the internet. It is a pathetic sight. Enforcing a parochial solution through the courts and police to stop people from having opinions.
Classic American liberalism says the remedy for disagreeable speech is more speech. But then again the old liberalism is dead only to be resurrected by the populists in a clumsy way.
But free will is a larger issue than just speech which gets to thought and ultimately behavior and subsequently enforcement. We are forced to lay free will at the doorstep of policy and law and this is where the battle is engaged as I write this.
Nice piece.
I only see two levels here. Did i miss something?
Creation & creativity do feel special, eh?
No you are quite correct as far as this piece goes. For good or ill much of my writing is an attempt to popularize concepts and in so doing sometimes depth gets lost. For example, Simplifying Zosimos will hopefully pique interest in someone looking into him and his legacy. I’m not the beginning and end of alchemy yet perhaps I can displace some of the tripe currently circulating about the subject.
Thanks for your excellent observation.
Right on. Just wanted to make sure I didn't miss anything.
Maybe a little metadata 😉 but not much else.